OPEN CALL: Thematic lab on dance & nature with Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Corentin Hannon & Kevin Lambeets

Published on 24.05.2024, 17:34

Nature and agricultural labor have become increasingly important sources of inspiration for Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. The past two years, the choreographer organized, together with Corentin Hannon and Kevin Lambeets, the summer workshop ‘Hand power, horse labor and dance'. A diverse group of dancers and non-dancers with a shared interest in outdoor labor and agriculture gathered in the countryside around Gaasbeek (Belgium) to explore various techniques and movements. Building on last year’s inspiring experience, they are planning a similar thematic lab this summer from July 3 - 7, 2024.

During this workshop, participants start the day with movement sessions together with Charlotte Cétaire and Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. In the afternoon, they explore different (traditional) agricultural techniques, including scythes led by Kevin Lambeets (‘Zeis en Bijl’), chopping wood, haying, as well as pulling exercises using draught horses, led by Corentin Hannon and Eva Fillet (Cordeva). Participants will work outdoors in a small community, make fire, learn from Valentina Nelissen how to cook macrobiotic meals, spend time working in the fields and exploring a range of repetitive movements, for instance.

How to reconnect our body and the environment? How to slow down in a world full of impulses?

De School van Gaasbeek serves as a base, and the activities take place in the surrounding fields.

Registration is possible until the 28th of May, 2024, through the P.A.R.T.S. website:

Initiators: Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker & Corentin Hannon
Kevin Lambeets / Zeis & Bijl (scything)
Eva Fillet & Corentin Hannon / Cordeva (horses)
Charlotte Cétaire & Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker (dance)
Valentina Nelissen (macrobiotic cooking)

Production: PARTS
With the support of: School van Gaasbeek, Rosas, ATDK Foundation
Funded by: Microproject-Pajottenland+ (VLB)