Pioverà and Fase at Dansehallerne Copenhagen
Published on 27.08.2024, 17:13

Dansehallerne invited Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker to present Pioverà as part of the opening event of a new building in the Carlsberg City District in Copenhagen.
In the solo Pioverà De Keersmaeker goes back to her roots. She returns to the early music of Steve Reich and to the compositional technique of phase shifting, which was key to De Keersmaeker’s first works and which she continued to develop as a choreographic principle over the past 40 years. Pioverà explores multiple ways of being out of synch. In this solo, De Keersmaeker underscores the urgency and expressive power of Reich's composition It’s Gonna Rain. It makes tangible the cyclical movement of time, by foregrounding the figure of the spiral. Pioverà was created for the exhibition Grand Bal by Ann visual artist Veronica Janssens at Pirelli Hangar Bicocca, Milan, in 2023, and was performed at different moments during this exhibition.
Pioverá will be performed on the 31st of August at Dansehallerne in Copenhagen, Denmark. More information about this event may be found on the website of Dansehallerne.
In addition, Fase, Four Movements to the music of Steve Reich will be the first performance presented in the new building of Dansehallerne.
Performances of Fase, Four Movements to the music of Steve Reich will take place on the 3rd and 4th of September. For more information and tickets, please visit https://dansehallerne.dk/en/public-program/performance/15979/