A Love Supreme
Salva Sanchis, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker / Rosas

A quartet created by Salva Sanchis and Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, A Love Supreme is based on John Coltrane's eponymous album. This collaboration, started in 2005, comprises a meeting between two choreographers who share the same fascination for an iconic piece of music. In A Love Supreme, Coltrane and his musicians deployed a deceptively simple musical structure to allow for a complete freedom of improvisation, continuously pushing the boundaries of every musical register. This freedom sees a literal translation into dance: for this performance, the choreographers accept the challenge of blending improvisation and composition into a seamless whole. For this new version, Sanchis and De Keersmaeker rewrote their 2005 piece to be danced by four young, male dancers. Their energetic interpretation embodies and mirrors the continued vitality of Coltrane’s music.
Salva Sanchis, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
Danced by
José Paulo dos Santos, Bilal El Had / Robin Haghi, Jason Respilieux, Thomas Vantuycom
Original version created in 2005 with
Cynthia Loemij, Moya Michael, Salva Sanchis, Igor Shyshko
A Love Supreme, John Coltrane
tenor saxophone, vocals: John Coltrane, piano: McCoy Tyner, bass: Jimmy Garrison, drums: Elvin Jones
Acknowledgement, Resolution, Pursuance & Psalm © Coltrane, J., © Jowcol Music, Inc. (Universal Music Publ. N.V.)
Lighting design
Jan Versweyveld
Revised lighting design
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Luc Schaltin
Anne-Catherine Kunz
Rosas, De Munt/La Monnaie (Brussels)
World premiere
23.02.2017, Kaaitheater (Brussels)