Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Björn Schmelzer / Rosas & graindelavoix

For Cesena Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Rosas worked closely with Björn Schmelzer and his graindelavoix ensemble. This new production might almost be called the counterpart to its predecessor, En Atendant. Whereas in that piece the twilight merged almost imperceptibly into night, this piece heralds the start of the day. The stage is shared by 19 dancers and singers who explore the limits of their ability. Dancers sing and singers dance, once again in dialogue with the wilful 14th-century scores of the Ars Subtilior. For the third time, Ann Veronica Janssens has collaborated with Rosas for a set design, providing a sculpture of passing time, of the constant transformation of what is around us and of what only becomes visible in the course of time. The start of a new day, or a new look at a distant past.
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Björn Schmelzer
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
Musical director
Björn Schmelzer
Created with and danced by Rosas and graindelavoix
Olalla Alemán / Els Van Laethem, Haider Al Timimi, Boštjan Antončič, Aron Blom , Carlos Garbin, Marie Goudot, Lieven Gouwy, David Hernandez, Matej Kejzar, Mikael Marklund, Tomàs Maxé, Julien Monty, Chrysa Parkinson, Marius Peterson, Michael Pomero, Albert Riera, Gabriel Schenker, Yves Van Handenhove, Sandy Williams
Ann Veronica Janssens
Anne-Catherine Kunz
Vanessa Court, Alexandre Fostier, Juliette Wion
La Monnaie/De Munt (Brussels), Festival d’Avignon, Théâtre de la Ville (Paris), Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht, Guimarães 2012, Steirischer Herbst (Graz), deSingel (Antwerp), Concertgebouw Brugge
World Premiere
16 July, Festival d'Avignon
Ars Subtilior
Pictagore per dogmata / O Terra supplica / Rosa vernans
anonyme (Codex Chantilly)
Espoir dont tu m’as fayt partir
Philippot de Caserta (Codex Chantilly)
Corps femenin
Solage (Codex Chantilly)
Fumeux fume
Solage (Codex Chantilly)
Par les bons Gedeon et Sanson
Philippot de Caserta (Codex Chantilly)
anonyme (Ms Toulouse)
Inter densas / Imbribuis irriguis
anonyme (Codex Chantilly)
En attendant d’amer
Galiot / Giangaleazzo Visconti (?) (Codex Chantilly)
Le ray au soleyl
Johannes Ciconia (Codex Mancini)
Hodie puer nascitur/Homo mortalis firmiter
Jean Hanelle (Codex Torino J.II .9)