3ird5 @ w9rk
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker & Radouan Mriziga / Rosas & A7LA5

A garden is a place to be. It is a place for things to be planted and to grow, a place to think, to watch, to talk. A garden is a space of fruitfulness.
For this new creation, the garden of La Maison des Arts becomes the meeting place of choreographers Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Radouan Mriziga. In this inner-city garden, a place where we are reminded of nature amid the concrete, they have been cultivating their own respective landscapes.
Through observing traces of what once was, the two artists have met in a time and space of embodied abstraction. A primary interest in geometry manifests itself in a work process surrounded by intuitive play.
A relationship emerges between choreography as the organization of bodies in space, and a garden as the organization of plants, patterns, water, and light. It is an encounter of parallel practices, side by side, slowly converging.
Inspired by the garden as a space of contemplation, conversation has led the way from one idea to the next. The constant planting of thoughts in a wide-open environment rich with spatial stimulation is a world of unfolding, just as geometry deals with the unfolding of one form upon another.
3ird5 @ w9rk considers what it is to be in work and at work. The internal clock and the internal compass direct us toward water—the source of life, and Nature—the point of origin.
It’s like a jungle sometimes; it makes me wonder how I keep from going under.
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker & Radouan Mriziga
Ashley Morgan, Jalil El Yazidi
Light design
Radouan Mriziga
Lila John
Tessa Hall
Gaspar Schelck, Angela Massoni
World Premiere
04.09.2020 Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek / Huis der Kunsten van Schaarbeek, Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels)
Rosas, A7LA5
Special thanks to
Clock-o-matic, Koninklijke Sint-Mariakerk / Église Royale Sainte-Marie,