Dark Red – Neue Nationalgalerie

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Cassiel Gaube, Soa Ratsifandrihana, Chryssi Dimitriou / Rosas

At the Neue Nationalgalerie – recently refurbished by David Chipperfield – Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker continues with Dark Red : an ongoing series of choreographies for museums. The expansive, transparent space of the iconic Nationalgalerie sets the stage for a new creation in a collaboration with choreographers and dancers Cassiel Gaube and Soa Ratsifandrihana, flutist Chryssi Dimitriou and visual artist Ann Veronica Janssens with whom Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker has already frequently collaborated in the past.

For 4 days, the Neue Nationalgalerie will be the venue for micro solo improvisations to 8 parts of the L’Opera per Flauto by Salvatore Sciarrino, performed live by Chryssi Dimitriou. Breathing has long been one of the choreographic principles structuring the work of choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. In Sciarrino’s L’Opera per Flauto, breathing is not only life-giving, but also life-consuming, incorporating both life and loss. It’s a cyclical movement that resonates in the opening and closing spiral that make up the choreographies’ framework of time and space.

Dark Red was conceived in 2019 as a progressive series of self-reflexive performances carrying dance from the black box into the white cube. It is the first time a strong dialogue with the architecture takes centre stage. The new choreography is founded on the confrontation between the architectural logic of consolidation and the contingency of body and time. Dark Red - Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin sizes up the geometry of utopia against the utopia of geometry and confronts it with the dancing, breathing body.

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker

Created with
Cassiel Gaube, Soa Ratsifandrihana, Chryssi Dimitriou, Ann Veronica Janssens

Choreographed and danced by
Cassiel Gaube, Soa Ratsifandrihana, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker

L'Opera per flauto, by Salvatore Sciarrino
All'Aure In Una Lontananza, Hermes, Come Vengono, Prodotti Gli Incantesimi?, Canzona Di Ringraziamento, L'Orizzonte Luminoso Di Aton, Morte tamburo, Immagine Fenicia, Lettera degli antipodi portata dal vento

Bob Dylan, Blowin` In The Wind

Chryssi Dimitriou

Lieze Eneman

An D’Huys, assisted by Rosa Schützendorf

Alex Fostier

Artistic Assistant
Martine Lange

Artistic coordination and planning
Anne Van Aerschot

Tour Manager
Bert De Bock

Costumes Coordinator
Alexandra Verschueren
Assisted by Els Van Buggenhout

Technical Director
Marlies Jacques

Jonathan Maes, Bennert Vancottem


Neue Nationalgalerie – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, sponsored by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM)

In collaboration with Ictus.

Rosas is supported by the Flemish Community.